After a short break from our World Language classes, our teachers and students are back learning and working on our skills as we continue the path toward proficiency. My next few blog posts are intended to give you a glimpse into what is happening in our department across the district. This week, I am highlighting our elementary program at Dale and Wheelock.

I visited all five teachers in their Spanish and Mandarin and saw some great activities: a few games, a few songs, some presentations in the target language and even a dance! Our students are learning to identify their skills in the language by framing their learning with the words, "I can..." Today my visit demonstrated that many children in Spanish at Wheelock can "name the days of the week." Their goal (identified by Ms. Leblanc) for the day was "to be able to name one day of the week and one activity that goes with it." They sang a song and danced! Our Mandarin students were playing a game with Ms. Wang and learning how to say and identify words written in Chinese characters!
At Dale Street School, the students were learning how to identify the members of their family in Spanish. Both Ms. LeVangie's and Ms. DellaMonica's were playing a game about Anita's family. Students were given a prompt and then they had to figure out which member of Anita's family was being identified. Their goal for the day (as identified by their teachers) was "to be able to identify and name the members of their family." Ms. Zhang's students in Mandarin were presenting their group drawings about the seasons and the weather. They finished their class with a song! Besides the collage to the left side of this post, you can catch some more photos and videos on my twitter feed:
Ellen Toubman@EHToubs. You can also follow our hashtag
#WLMedfield where we have various tweets from our department on the right side of our page. Our instagram feed (on the top left of this page) can be followed
Happy 2017!
Love these little language learners!