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World Language classes @bmsed on 1/24/2017 |
This morning I had the pleasure of spending some quality time in our World Language classes at Blake. As you can see from our photos and tweets #WLMedfield, there was a lot happening. To the left is a quick visual of a few of the classes.
I began the morning with a visit to Madame Buckham's sixth grade French class.They were reviewing vocabulary -always important, but they were playing a game while doing so. The students were very excited and just a little competitive as they all tried to put their hands on the word that Madame called out to the group!
I then moved to seventh grade French. Monsieur Cowell started the class with the group gathered on the side of the room in a semicircle. They did a quick word scramble to get their brains starting to think in French -or as we say in the World Language arena: TL= target language. Students eased their way into the French world and recited the day, date, and year. (see a video on instagram account @wlmedfield.) Next, I walked across the hall to seventh grade Spanish. As Sra. Manning's students were finishing their TAL (trabajo al llegar or work to be done upon arrival), they reviewed some basic questions and answers about clothing: where to buy certain items and descriptions. Sra. Manning arranged the students in pairs. They then discussed and asked questions about clothing images in a prepared powerpoint on googleclassroom. Down the hall students in Sra. Batts and Sra, Boulos' class were also practicing their interpersonal speaking skills. They went shopping on line at El Corte Inglés web site. Check out tweets -a few @elcorteingles were liked (within seconds) by the large department store in Spain!
Our eighth grade classes were also busy practicing their skills. In Mandarin class, Laoshi Liu had her timer on the board and students were asking as many questions in Mandarin as they could! Sra. Manning's students worked in stations: they reviewed vocabulary, role-played a restaurant situation, and much more. Down the hall in Sra. Batts and Sra. Boulos' eighth grade class, the students were researching tipping practices. The teachers offered the "Trip Advisor" web site to the students via classroom. They researched the same Spanish speaking country that they had previously explored through a project about typical meals. Students analyzed trends and tried to guess why tipping practices were higher or lower in certain places. It was a great morning to learn a language at Blake.
For more World Language news, follow this blog, twitter #WLMedfield and instagram @wlmedfield.